In order for TIPO to take responsibility for the treatment, it is crucial that we are able to conduct 40 hours of intensive treatment every week, for each child. We do not conduct low-intensive intervention, since this is will not benefit the child.
The staff model is a model to guarantee the best quality possible for the treatment. The staff model consists of the following:
- Staff meetings in the child’s home, nursery or school, every third week, where all the staff members participate. The meetings are attended by all of importance to the treatment of the child (trainers, parents, representative from the council, counsellor from TIPO, other professionals).
- In between the staff meetings the counsellor from TIPO will conduct a supervised session, with the aid of a web cam, with the trainer personnel in the nursery and parents.
- TIPO’s counsellor heads the meetings.
- The trainers, and the parents, have free access to TIPO’s counsellors on telephone, throughout the week.
- The child will participate in some parts of the meeting.
- At the staff meeting the child’s progress is demonstrated, monitored and measured. Graphs of the child’s achievements are presented.
- Treatment approaches and techniques are demonstrated by TIPO’s counsellors, and all trainers are couched.
- Behavioural goals are set for the coming weeks. Both the treatment goals and approaches for the coming week are written down in detail. This list acts as a contract between parents, nursery and TIPO for the next weeks.
- TIPO’s quality control ensures that treatment conducted by every trainer is measured, monitored and couched.
- The parents always start the meeting to inform the staff about important events within the family or with the child in the last week. The parents are also given the chance to evaluate the treatment in the last week and make suggestions on behalf of the child.